Message from the president


The first edition of the sports gala was a resounding success. not only because of the event itself, but because we have been able to prestige our athletes and, above all, to make their quality known to the population, who now recognize their role. are therefore fulfilled the main designs that were the basis of the creation of this event that already marks its own space in the life of the Vianians.

This second edition therefore follows the same line of objectives: we want our athletes who have become champions in 2017 to feel recognized, that their work and their efforts meritoriously be evidenced and that the county and the region know which, in viana do castelo, we are the breeding ground of about a hundred national, European and world champions.

Congratulations to our champions! as in the first edition, are many and varied. are to be congratulated for winning winners, but also for overcoming the difficulties of a not always easy path and overcoming and elevating to a higher category, often thanks also to the efforts of small clubs and associations in this county.

To all, I leave a word of thanks for the effort and dedication. to the champions of course, but also to their technical teams and associations, federations and clubs. we are all to be congratulated and this celebration of the sports of viana do castelo is more than fair, it is even inevitable.


The president

José Maria Costa